
Book Excerpt: “Planning War with a Nuclear China: US Military Strategy and Mainland Strikes” by John Speed Meyers

The following is an excerpt from Planning War with a Nuclear China: US Military Strategy and Mainland Strikes by John Speed Meyers. In response to the growth of the Chinese military and the perception of a military balance tilting in favor of China, American strategists have devised and compared a number of alternative military strategies. There are…

Book Excerpt: “Early Modern Bromance: Love, Friendship, and Marriage in Sixteenth-Century Italian Academies” by Aria Dal Molin

“In ways similar to the contemporary bromance, narratives of male friendship were pervasive in early modern Italy, in genres as diverse as lyric poetry, burlesque poetry, the short story, novella-inspired comic theater, the epic (Ariosto), and para-literary or semi-philosophical texts, such as the trattati d’amore (treatises on love) of the sixteenth century.”