Academic Libraries Book Recommendations, Sociology, Women's Studies

Cambria Press highlights Sex, Love, and Fidelity on Valentine’s Day!

Cambria Press academic publisher "Sex, Love, and Fidelity"
Why are the rules of any relationship  important?

Happy Valentine’s Day from Cambria Press! On this day when many would like to feel special, Kassia Wosick’s book Sex, Love, and Fidelity is one to read to understand how contemporary relationships succeed (and fail). This fascinating study illuminates how “fidelity is the ultimate catalyst for feeling special and making one’s partner(s) feel significant. In other words, fidelity (rather than marriage, monogamy, or even exclusivity) may be the defining feature of contemporary romantic relationships.” Read more now!

Check out our e-book rentals too: Sex, Love, and Fidelity offers excellent chapter readings for undergraduate and graduate classes–avoid the hassle of textbook orders and simply assign a book chapter (or more) to students for the week’s reading for only $8.99!

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