Women’s Studies

AAS, Academic Libraries Book Recommendations, African Studies, Africana Studies, anthropology, Asian Studies, Book Review, History, International Studies, Literature, New Scholarly Books, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Women's Studies

AAS 2013 Book Highlights: Outstanding Reviews for Cambria Press Titles!

In addition to the titles in the Cambria Sinophone World Series, the following titles in Asian Studies are being highlighted for the 2013 Asian Studies

African Studies, Africana Studies, ASA: African Studies Association, History, Latin American Studies, Political Science, Sociology, Women's Studies

The Memory of Slavery and Human Trafficking Today – Cambria Studies in Slavery: Past and Present (General Editor: Ana Lucia Araujo)

This new series by Cambria Press will feature high-quality, innovative, and peer-reviewed monographs and edited books that examine the history of slavery and how its memories

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